
Latest Facts About Medicare and Medicaid

A recent study complied by Hofstra Law and its online healthcare degrees department revealed some very interesting facts about Medicaid and Medicare. According to the research, Medicaid currently provides healthcare coverage for a whopping 67.4 million Americans, which means we now have more people covered by sufficient healthcare insurance than ever. 43 million of those people are actually children; that’s 1 in 3 children using Medicaid to get good healthcare services and coverage. Adults with disabilities are also enjoying more coverage under the new policy.

Medicaid, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act have changed the healthcare landscape in the US almost entirely. Unfortunately, many are still trying to cancel the ACA and take away the healthcare coverage from today’s policy holders. That is why future Medicaid and Medicare changes are among the most important topics to follow.

You can learn more about the subject from the Medicare & Medicaid Eligibility infographic.

Online Healthcare MBA Program

This infographic was created by Hofstra Law.

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