
How Technology Is Making The Outdoors Fun Again

With so many exciting technologies freely available today, it’s no wonder that more and more people are giving up the outdoors in favor of the comfort of their home. Of course, the outdoors still have plenty to offer, but sometimes it takes a little coaxing, and the right gadgets, to really enjoy it. With that in mind, here’s a handful of suggestions to help you make the most of the outdoors. If you have kids and are particularly interested in getting them excited about playing outside, then this is the guide for you.


Drones are somewhat like the modern equivalent of old-school electronic airplanes. Of course, they’re a little more technologically complex than that, but they still offer that same level of excitement and wonder to a child. Perhaps most importantly, there are many options for drones and related drone parts online. For instance, companies like Built Drones now sell pulse lipo batteries, in addition to a variety of drone models. Once you’ve taken your drone outside and fully experienced it, you’ll be able to see firsthand just how far the technology has come, while simultaneously getting a chance to really enjoy the outdoors.

Mobile Apps

Although Pokemon Go is probably the most famous outdoor mobile gaming app on the market today, there are actually plenty of games that use the same basic premise. For those unfamiliar with these types of products, they’re essentially games that rely on the player physically moving in the real world to progress in its digital equivalent. By using a number of different metrics, as well as geolocation services, these apps are able to accurately pinpoint where the user is in the real world, and then seamlessly translate that into the app. While these apps are great for getting you and your kids outside, there are a few precautions that you should take ahead of time. As with most outdoor activities, you’ll want to exercise caution and ensure that no one wanders too far off in pursuit of a digital prize. Still, these are great tools for enticing kids to step out of their comfort zone and see what the world really has to offer.

Technology has afforded us so many opportunities that simply weren’t possible even a couple of decades ago. As great as technology is though, it’s important to remember our roots and not to forget how amazing our world is, even if it’s not behind a computer screen

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