
What’s Your Perfect Garden?

Your garden is a place where you can sit, reflect and appreciate all the colours and smells of nature in your own little haven. And, according to Fulham estate agent, Lawsons & Daughters “Gardens can also add significant value to your property if you’re thinking about moving at any point, so it really pays to look after them.”

If you’re looking for something a little more than just a lawn with a few strategically placed pots and tubs, here are a few tips for a stunning garden this summer and beyond.

Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Gardens ae a great way to inspire you to do a bit of digging, and can really help children take an interest too. Add some soft fruits, herbs and vegetables like potatoes and onions for a plentiful garden that looks and smells incredible,

English Country Garden

Straight out of picture postcards and Enid Blyton books, traditional English Country Gardens are a riot of colour and scent. What you’re looking for here is a natural look, with large patches of flowers of different shapes and sizes to create an interesting landscape. Try lavender, foxgloves, honeysuckle, delphiniums and cornflowers and add a veggie patch to get the whole family involved. Choose some classic wicker furniture or white wood to complete the look.

Woody Garden

Not everyone likes gardens that look neat and tidy, and if you’re really wanting to go back to nature (and you have the space) a wooded area is a great way to do it. Bluebells, ferns and rhododendrons all love to grow in the shade, and if you add some wooden climbing frames and maybe a tree house you’ve got a perfect way to keep little people entertained and healthy all summer and beyond.

Artistic Garden

If you appreciate the work of the great impressionists, why not have a go at recreating it yourself? Have a look at some classic paintings and use them as inspiration for your very own arty garden- think sunflowers, waterlilies and poppies.

Courtyard Garden

We’re not all blessed with acres of property, but you can still make the most of a small outdoor space, says Robert Holmes. Think raised flower beds, mirrors, pots and window boxes to add a pop of colour and create a sense of space and style.

Oriental Garden

If you’re looking for something a little different, an oriental garden can be a serene and stylish way to enjoy your outdoor space. Water features, cherry blossoms, bamboos and magnolia trees all add a stunning oriental look, and if you can go as far as a coy carp filled pond you’ll really have something special.

Whatever your taste and style, your garden is your haven, so enjoy it. has the final word- Marylebone estate agent, Kubie Gold “A well cared for garden can add thousands to the value of your property and makes a great first impression. Always keep the lawn neat and tidy and remove any weeds as a bare minimum- the rest is up to you, so have fun and enjoy your outdoor living space.”

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