
5 Great Ideas For Kids Party Entertainment

Kids party entertainment ideas are what brings together the guests and gives them a chance to enjoy themselves even further. When it comes to children, the happier they are, the less likely they will start screaming at each other and give everyone else a bad time.

Imagine the reaction on the children’s faces when they see a green watermelon shark popping out of the plate with lots of delicious fruits in its mouth. Not only is this something that they don’t see often in their lives, even the parents will be shocked at the level of creativity. All you need is a big watermelon, a carving knife and some deft hands.

Simply carve out the shape of a shark’s head with a ‘mouth’ then fill it with pieces of chopped apples and other kinds of fruits. The kids will definitely finish them up in no time!

Everyone knows that no party is ever complete without cake and ice cream so here’s a great idea to twist the conventional ice cream cone into something much more entertaining that is also easy to clean up afterward! A great idea for kids party entertainment, ice cream cupcakes are a great way for the children to eat their ice cream without having it drip all across the floor.

Twister has always been a classic game at almost every party that everyone enjoys. However, the limitation was that only two or three people could have a go at any one time. Why not make your lawn into a Twister floor mat and have up to 10 to 15 kids play twister on it at the same time?

This is a great twist on one of the most popular kids party entertainment games which also costs you nothing! All you need to do is spray paint a bunch of circles on your lawn, with different colors, just as long as you make it look like a giant Twister mat.

Another great idea for kids party entertainment is to dazzle them with your creative dish-preparation skill. Who says food needs to look dull all the time? With a little bit of creativity, you could rearrange the food in a way to make them look like the favorite cartoon characters for the kids to marvel at! Imagine having the face of Ernie or Big Bird staring back at them from a plate! This will make them want to eat your food even more than ever.

Perhaps the greatest entry on this list of kids party entertainment ideas, the pool treasure hunt is best saved for the hot weather as it allows for the kids to cool off in the pool as they look for hidden treasure.

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