
Review Of Hi Tech Anavar

There are many steroids and prohormone supplements and steroids on sale in the market today and therefore the task of determining which the best ones are can sometimes prove rather tricky especially for someone who is doing so for the first time. Hi Tech Anavar, which is the brand name for Oxandrin (also known alternatively as Oxandrolone) is a special synthetic anabolic steroid that has in recent years risen to the top of many people’s lists when it comes to the choice of the best steroids and supplements. However, before embarking on a brief review of this prohormone supplement, it is worth pointing out a few facts relating to it. First off, it should be mentioned that the discovery of ths steroid, as is usually the case with some of the most significant discoveries in history, came about as an accident or a fluke. The researchers were actually looking for something else when they came upon this amazing product. In fact, initially the product was used for medicinal purposes and proved very effective in the treatment of a number of illnesses and conditions some of which will be discussed in the subsequent parts of this article.

What were the Original Uses of Anavar?

Anavar was originally used in the following ways;

How is Hi Tech Anavar used Today?

Today Anavar, both as a steroid and a prohormone supplement is used widely both at home and in sporting cycles. In particular, the product is used in the following ways;

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