Nursing capstone project is a large-scale project, which students need to choose topic related to what their field and studies. When it comes to the result, it should be presented in form on detailed and written report. Students must need to adhere to the required citation guidelines.
Writing a Nursing Capstone
In writing the nursing capstone , there are questions you need to answer if you want a strong argument for your readers. You need to ask these questions to yourself to have an effective project that you can submit.
● It’s a real issue having uncertainty or controversy?
● Do you have interest in the nursing capstone you choose?
● Is the topic narrow enough for you to manage it?
The time you have your own BSN or DNP capstone topic, you can begin researching on the internet, checking out some books, articles and other important materials that are needed in your project. You need to make sure that your topic is truly supported by information that you have gathered. You need to list out the pros and the cons of your topic as well supporting evidences in each side.
Nursing Capstone Format
● Title: You need to write the title or name of your capstone project
● Description: It must be half page with detailed description about your project.
● Project rationale: It must be two, three or four paragraphs that state your justification in selecting the topic. You need to tell who will benefit from your project.
● Professional/Personal expectations: It should be two or three paragraphs on hopes you want to gain in your project. It must be both personal and professional.
● Project goals: You should make a list as well as to explain the goals of the capstone project. In this section, you need to address the description of the title in detail. You also need to list what your plans are and what you want to achieve are.
● Research: You need to have a review of your research and discussion. Your project should address what you plan and what sources or references you want to use such as books, journals, internet, magazines and others.
● Procedure: Make sure to provide a systematic analysis about your intentions in meeting your goals, which include resources and others.
Nursing Capstone Project Review
The final capstone project must have the proper or exact format. You need to know what headings you must have in your paper. Check this out!
● Cover page, which start with your complete name, your course, title, date as well as email address, which needs to be centered.
● Title of the capstone project (centered)
● Single space paragraph
● Make sure to indent 1st sentence in every paragraph
● The text must be of 12 point with Arial font. The headings must be the same and should not have different fonts.
● Text must be aligned as left justified.
● You can include diagrams, figures, flow charts or pictures.
● Page must be of 1” margins.
● Have separate page for table of contents.
● The headings must have section and sub-sections.
● Section headings must be centered.
● Sub-sections must be aligned as left justified.
There you have it the important things you need to know. It is essential that you take seriously writing your capstone project. You need to do your best and believe in yourself. Make a good plan and make a schedule in writing your project. In writing the nursing capstone project, you will have difficulties especially when it is your first time and you do not have any ideas but with template and tips, you can never go wrong!