Ear Infection In Babies

We often notice our little ones tugging their ears and this is usually ignored. While in some cases, this could be because of an ear infection.  Ear infection is one of the most common diseases that occurs to babies apart from cold and flu.

What are the Symptoms?

While it is difficult to understand if your baby is tugging his/her ear due to an ear infection, look out for the symptoms mentioned below.

If your baby starts crying more than usual and is turning fussy, lookout for a problem. Usually, babies grab, tug and pull their ears to show that they are in pain. In some cases, you can see a whitish or yellow fluid draining from the ear, which is a noticeable and clear sign of an infection.

The bacteria or virus, which causes ear infection, also affects the stomach and causes diarrhoea or vomiting. In few cases, you may notice that the baby has reduced appetite and is pulling away when breast or bottle feeding immediately. Another symptom could be an unpleasant smell from the baby’s ears. Babies with ear infection usually find it difficult to sleep.

How to Keep your Child Away from these Infections?

Although it is difficult to keep germs away from those little ears, there are some tips to keep germs at bay. Mother’s milk provides increased natural immunity, so keep breastfeeding. Also, limit the use of pacifier especially when the baby is sleeping. Start consuming fruits, vegetables and seafood to improve baby’s immune system. Irritants can cause fluid to build in the centre of the ear, so keep stuffed animals, dolls and other materials that attract dust away from the baby. While feeding, hold the baby in an upright position at least 30 degrees and keep the baby upright for at least 30 minutes afterwards.

When to Consult ENT Specialist?

If your baby shows the sign of any symptoms mentioned above or has a fever above 102 degrees or is constantly feeling irritated and not responding to sounds around him, it is recommended to visit an ENT doctor.

Now ask queries for free and consult an ENT specialist online with Lybrate. Lybrate is making healthcare accessible with new technology. You can find the best ENT hospital nearby your home, check the ENT doctors’ profile and book an appointment using Lybrate. Our online platform also helps you to anonymously communicate with doctors from various specialities.

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