A garden is a place you can relax and enjoy the outside. While some jobs require contractors, there are ingenious ways you can DIY things yourself. When you complete a project with your own two hands it’s that much more rewarding. And the best thing is anyone can do it. So grab some tools and get down to work.
Bed Some Flowers
No garden is complete without vegetation. To add plant life to your garden consider making a flower bed. All you need is some old bricks or stones. Lay down the material in a desired pattern and pour in some soil. The best thing is you can go as high as you like. All you have to do now is decide on the plants and how to go greener with your backyard.
Go Vertical
Even if you are short on room, there is still space to add lush greenery to your garden. Go vertical and make yourself an amazing green wall garden. All you need is some wooden crates and trims to create the casing. An old bag can serve as your green wall pouch, where you can pour in soil. Just remember to add some woodchips or water beads to retain moisture. Then, it’s just the mater of figuring out what flowers to choose for your DIY green wall garden.
Flower Containers
There is no need to pay extra for flower containers, when they are all around you. Get your creative cap on, and become environmentally friendly by recycling. You can DIY old metal buckets, wooden barrels, or wheelbarrows vintage flower containers. Any number of other improvisations can serve as wonderful flower pot alternatives. And the best thing is you do the decorating.
Organic Garden Treats
For the cook in your household DIY some great produce and herbs. A vegetable patch or a herb garden are ideal for this. You can make the brick edging yourself, so no one steps on the sprouts. While kids can use stones or pieces of wood to paint some creative plant markers. Not only will it spruce up the garden, but you will have organic herbs and vegetables on demand.
Garden Birds
There is something calm and relaxing about hearing birds chirp. To make sure bird nest into your garden, DIY some birdhouses. All you need is some plywood and imagination. Also, you can improve your flower bed with a birdbath. It will be the centerpiece around which your colorful plants can blossom. And with birds around you can be sure pests will stay clear of your garden.
Wind Music
Nothing is more refreshing than a cool breeze on a warm day. So why not create some homemade wind chives to improve the atmosphere. All you need is some piece of string tied to wooden base. As for the jingles, you can re-use anything from old cookery to pieces of pipe. While decorating the wind chive can be a great arts and crafts project for kids.
The amazing thing is: all you need to spruce up your garden is inspiration, and creativity. After all, knowing you made something with your own two hands will make your garden that much more enjoyable.