You Can Help SEO by Utilizing Social Media

You Can Help SEO by Utilizing Social Media

Social media’s ascendancy has not come at the expense of search engine optimization (SEO), at least not entirely. Instead, social media picks up where your onsite marketing efforts leave off, enabling you to reach more people including customers as you employ your strategy. You can help SEO by utilizing social media. Now we’re going to look at how you can go about doing this.

Get Registered

It goes without saying that you must have a presence with and on the various social media websites to extend your reach. Therefore, register accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, and other sites that are important to you. But don’t stop there: carefully consider your profile and what it should say. You want to link to your website, tell people about your business, and share a handful of pictures related to what you do.

If you are already on Facebook, then create a separate business page. You want people to link to that page, not to your personal page. You can do likewise with Twitter if you’re already on it. Work with your SEO professional to create pages that make a difference advises

Make a Plan

How often should you participate on social media? Making it a daily practice is wise, especially if you can devote upwards of 30 minutes each day to adding new material, sharing what other people have to say, and taking other steps to get this work done.

People who are most active with social media get the best results. They’re recognized for their participation and their traffic numbers increase accordingly. Quite easily, you’ll find that some of your customers heard of you first through social media, not your website. So, make a plan and work with your SEO expert to get there.

Stay at It

It may seem simplistic, but you get from something what you put into it. This means as far as your SEO efforts go, you need to be consistent and not quit. Too often, people expect certain results and are terribly disappointed when their expectations are not met. Clearly, you must manage your expectations.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t see a return on your investment. Indeed, you will. Its just that you must understand how social media works and play by the rules. Further, you may find that you have less success with Facebook and more success with Twitter, Instagram, or as you go forward, for example. Its all a matter of testing the different social media platforms and learning which ones work best for you. Rarely do any companies find that they succeed everywhere.

Work in Tandem

Just as you conceive, write, edit, publish and share information through your own website, you need to consider how those articles will play on social media. This means a few things, including adding relevant photos to your articles. Those photos will automatically appear when you share your links on Facebook and Google Plus, but not on Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter — you’ll need to include those.

You can also link various social media sites to each other — Facebook to Twitter and Twitter to Facebook. This means when you tweet on Twitter, the post can also appear on Facebook. And vice versa. You might also do these by hand as original messages may play differently on each site. Consider the effectiveness of any social media update and how you can benefit from it.

SEO Considerations

There are other ways to maximize your social media presence to advance your SEO. For one, include your social media account addresses on your business cards as well as in your email signature. For another, participate in chats on Facebook and Twitter to underscore your participation. By doing so, you’ll reach more customers.

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