Heating Maintenance Tips For The Winter

Colder seasonal temperatures often mean higher heating and utility costs, especially for property owners who fail to prepare their homes for winter weather. Taking steps to ensure your HVAC system is in good working order and staying on top of seasonal maintenance efforts can allow you to slash your energy costs without having to sacrifice your comfort. A few simple and relatively inexpensive material purchases may be all that is needed in order to minimize heat loss and alleviate the stain the season places on your furnace or heater. A few simple resources and simple maintenance projects that you can do yourself should allow you to keep your household warm and comfortable without breaking the bank.

Replacing Weatherstripping, Door Thresholds and Windowpanes

Worn weather stripping, door thresholds that are improperly adjusted and even window panes that may be too thin to retain heat effectively could all be costing you far more than you might imagine. Small cracks and gaps between doors and windows may be responsible for significant level of heat loss. Placing unnecessary strain on your heating system due to poor or inadequate insulation around doors and windows could be responsible for higher energy bills and utility costs.

Fixing Gaps and Holes in Exterior Walls 

Ensuring that pipes, fixtures and other installations have been properly sealed is another area where a little effort can go a very long way. Washer and dryer hookups, exhaust fans and other appliances that have been improperly installed can be a serious issue for homeowners seeking to reduce the cost of there winter utility bills. Sealing any gaps or holes that may be found in exterior walls, or replacing hardware hookups that may have become worn or damaged could make a bigger difference than you might expect.

Programmable Thermostats 

One of the simplest ways to reduce heating costs is also one of the most effective. Replacing an older thermostat with a programmable model that may be able to detect interior temperatures with greater accuracy or ensure that your climate control system runs only when it is needed can make a tremendous impact on your monthly bills. HVAC systems that have been programmed to achieve optimum temperatures during at times when you know your household will be occupied can ensure that your system is able to be run with greater efficiently. A faulty or outdated thermostat is one liability that no homeowner can afford to overlook.

Portable Space Heaters

Heating the whole house in order to make only a few rooms or areas comfortable can be very wasteful. Purchasing a few portable space heaters for bedrooms and common areas can reduce the workload being placed on your heating system. In addition to being more energy-efficient than a conventional furnace, space heaters can provide you with the means to heat interior areas more quickly as well as greater flexibility when it comes to achieving a more comfortable interior temperature.

Getting an Early Start on the Winter Season 

There is never a bad time to winter-proof your home, but property owners who take action early may be able to enjoy greater savings. Having to choose between your comfort and your bottom line is a situation that no one wants to find themselves in. Taking steps to address any issues that may be running up your heating bills will allow you to stay warm and cozy without placing greater strain on your household finances or budget.

Charlie Teschner started MESA Heating in 1982. Charlie has a journeyman and master plumber’s license. He was raised with a strong work ethic and he now applies those values to tasks such as Longmont, CO heating repair.

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