Buying Viagra: How To Choose The Best Ones?

Buying Viagra How To Choose The Best Ones

As more people are maintaining a healthy sex life into old age, more and more men are turning to Viagra. This is a powerful drug that improves blood flow to the genitals to help a man achieve and maintain an erection. There are many suppliers of Viagra, but people do need a prescription to obtain Viagra safely from a reputable company. Viagra can be bought from a pharmacy no matter if a physical shop or indeed online. It is easy to buy Viagra online in the UK – read on to find out more about this popular drug and how to make sure Viagra is the best erectile dysfunction drug for your needs.

What Is Viagra?

Viagra is an excellent choice for men looking to treat erectile dysfunction. The drug contains the active ingredient Sildenafil, which acts to alter the body’s chemical messages in order to relax and widen the blood vessels around the penis. It is important to research exactly how much Viagra is needed for a patient’s particular situation. For example, the normal dose recommended to men is 50mg to be taken around one hour before sexual activity. This dose can be increased or decreased as needed depending on how the body responds.

Some men require only 25mg, while others find 100mg is required to achieve an effective erection. It is always recommended to only take one dose per day, as more could potentially be damaging to the bodies tissues. Taking Viagra with food delays the rate of absorption of the drug into the blood stream, so it is important to make allowances for this or to take it on an empty stomach to ensure the drug is working when needed.


Viagra should not be taken by some people, including anyone under the age of 18, those with a weak heart or liver, anyone who has suffered a stroke or has high blood pressure, anyone who is taking nitrate-based medication and those with eye problems. The drug should be used only with caution if you suffer from any heart condition, bleeding disorder, kidney or liver complaint, peptic ulcer or abnormality of the penis. Elderly men should also only use with caution.

There are a number of potential side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, flushing, blurred vision, nasal congestion and indigestion. Always speak to your doctor if you suffer any symptoms and are concerned about anything in relation to your Viagra usage. When you buy Viagra online in the UK, it is always necessary to undergo an online consultation where you will be required to disclose details about your health and ensure you are a suitable patient for the medicine.

A Life-Changing Drug

Viagra has been life-changing for many men looking for a way to enjoy an active sex life into old age. Many young men with impotence problems can also benefit from this drug. When buying Viagra online, the ideal way to ensure you are getting the best drug available is to complete research on the company supplying the drug and of course on your own needs.

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